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Microblading and Scabbing. What Should You Expect After Doing Microblading?

While scrolling through Instagram or Facebook, we daily come across some lifestyle or makeup gurus. All of them having that snatched face and all the excellent features. Well, perks of knowing the best makeup techniques.

While there are different steps in makeup application, one most important step that can bring the whole look together is the brows. Eyebrows are the most important part of our face that, if maintained properly, can make our face attractive even when we have applied nothing.

And for our brows to look sleek, we use different tools and experiment with different pencils and gels. But that all was old school. Nowadays, there is a more permanent solution, well semi-permanent. 

That solution is microblading. Well, a lot of you may know about Microblading, but what you may not know that some things follow this process. One of them being scabbing. 

So if you are thinking of getting your eyebrows done, then keep some important factors in mind that we are going to mention In this article.

An Overview of Microblading

Microblading is tattooing our eyebrows. A minor difference is that while the tattoo is permanent and involves a deeper layer, the Microblading does not. Microblading is a semi-permanent type of solution where you get your eyebrows tattooed, but it only involves the upper layers. 

In microblading, the pigment is not inserted way too deep into the skin layers, and that’s why it fades off after few months. 

The tool used for the micro-blading is just like a pen with a tip so that the eyebrows look more natural and not like we did something to them. With the help of the tools, small cuts are drawn that feels the pigment, and after a few days, those cuts start to heal. And that’s where the actual process starts.

What Is Microblading Scabbing?

Microblading scabbing is something that you will experience a few days after your session. Many people freak out, thinking that scabbing after microblading is not normal. But you do not need to worry as it is a part of the healing process, and without it, the brows cannot completely heal.

Almost after five days, as the healing process is setting into motion, your eyebrows scab and become flaky. At the same time, your eyebrows become itchy that you are so much tempted to scratch them off. Well, if you get that temptation, DO NOT DO THAT

It can ruin the whole of your pigmented brow look.

Scabbing A Normal Part of the Healing Process

Yes, that is true; as we mentioned before, scabbing after microblading is the normal part of the healing process. It almost lasts from 7 to 10 days, and in that time, you need to take care of your eyebrows. Scabbing is the nastiest and ugliest part of microblading, and that why be careful while planning your appointment.

Along with other measurements, also avoid wearing makeup, as it can also impair the healing process.

How Scabbing Develops After Microblading

As we mentioned that scabs develop after almost 4-5 days; on the 5th day, the microblading scabbing starts, and eyebrows start feeling itchy and irritated. 

On the 6th day, scabbing continues while your eyebrows develop patches of light and dark areas. You do not need to freak as it Is a normal process, and it will continue for some more days. 

On the 7-8th day, the scabbing continues, whereas patches increase in number. 

On the 9th day of the microblading healing process, the scabbing process slows down, and the scabs start to fall off. It is rare, but if the microblading scabs are not falling off, then you should consult your artist.

Almost on the 10-12th day, the scabs completely fall off, and the scabbing also stops. Now your eyebrows have almost healed, and the pigment will soon show.

Is Scabbing After Microblading Is Good or Bad?

Scabbing is not something that we should worry about unless it is really heavy. Light scabbing is the normal part. BUT if you are experiencing very heavy scabbing, then you should be worried. 

Although after microblading heavy scabbing is rare, but it does depends upon the expertise of your artist. How much experience he/she has in the field is really important, as the heavy scabbing can show that there is some underlying infection that may be followed by other immune responses. 

If you experience something like that, then immediately consult a physician.

What Necessary Measures to Take to Treat Scabbing After Microblading?

While your eyebrow has developed scabs, we previously mentioned that you might feel very itchy and tempted to scratch. And you should not do that if you do not want microblading scabs coming off with pigment.

Also, some people question that is no scabbing after microblading is possible? Then the answer is no, but there are ways through which you can treat your scabs.

There are two ways one is dry healing, and the other is ointment healing. 

Dry healing is the best option as it keeps the pigment and your eyebrows remain as you want them. Dry healing means that your eyebrows heal on their own.

The other method is ointment healing means that you apply some kind of healing ointment on your brows. Microblading can soothe your eyebrows and may also help in the healing process, but then you may experience microblading scabs coming off with pigment. 

So it is always up to you what type of healing treatment you want to go with.

Final Thoughts

Although microblading is a suitable solution for your eyebrows but then for It to work nicely, you also have to go through all the above-mentioned processes. Scabbing is a normal process, but it can be a little daunting and sometimes exhausting. But then this all is important for perfect brows. So, keep patience. 

So, if you want to have those sharp and crisp brows, then you need to have the patience to go through all these. But in the end, you will realize how worthy it was when you would get your perfect eyebrows.